Last night Cliff Lee won the game for the Texas Rangers, silencing the Yankee’s bats to the tune of a 13 K shutout for the Rangers’ 8-0 victory. I don’t feel too bad for the Yankees organization though, while the team isn’t currently winning on the field, they are winning at the cash register. The Yankees have come across one of the greatest merchandising schemes ever…selling dirt from the old Yankee Stadium.
No, we’re not just talking about the dirt around the base paths, I’m talking dirt dug up from the outfield, infield, batting box and up to two feet down before the stadium was demolished. We all know no Yankee ever set foot on that dirt if it was two feet down, but apparently dirt collectors don’t give a damn. In total, they dug up three tons of dirt. Egad.
What have they done with the dirt do you ask? Well half of it has been used for over $10 million in collectible items such as:
* Key chains that go for $20 each.
* Posters commemorating the nine championships the team won in their former home. They sell for $150 each.
* Special player posters whose price depends on the player. Derek Jeter is the most expensive at $80
* Player plaques showing Yankee stars’ stats and biggest moments. They sell for $50 to $60
* Crystal paperweights engraved with milestone dates.
* Team-signed balls with an order of dirt on the side, selling for $60.
I mean its cool that they will sell it along with signed balls but a $20 key chain?? Look at that poster, would you pay $30 for that? The Yankees have actually made dirt a valuable commodity…and they have THREE TONS OF IT. Well, actually they sold off 1 1/2 tons, but they have actually saved up the other half of it in barrels for future use (sales).
I’d love to know exactly how much dirt is in these items to figure out the exact value of the dirt. Silver is a little over $24 an ounce, I’d bet this dirt is near that in value. Just think about that. Dirt that is as valuable as silver. Hold on, I just threw up in my mouth a little. Ok, I’m good.
Like fine wine, this dirt will only get better and more valuable with age. Get your dirt while you can. In the meantime, it looks as if the Yankees will have a little bit more money to throw around free agency than they would’ve normally had.
So don’t feel too bad for their loss last night, they can afford to go out and buy Lee next year and have him do to someone else what he did to them…partially thanks to Yankee dirt.