This is art

I was on vacation last week so this is a week old but I still have to talk about it. Carnegie Mellon University has an art exhibition going on that might just blind those people that aren’t a part of the Steelers Nation. Not because of all the black and gold that will be present, but because people might actually be gauging their own eyeballs out. Its entitled “‘Whatever It Takes: Steelers Fan Collections, Rituals, and Obsessions” and is a Steelers fan’s wet dream but probably an art buff’s worst nightmare.

How does the gallery justify an exhibition of this sort?  This is how:

…the exhibition, a first of its kind, looks at the ingenious methods Steelers fans use to construct their own personal and social identities in relation to the team.

“Steelers culture is Pittsburgh’s popular culture, and the fans are its primary creative force,” Rubin said.

The first of its kind? Might be the last of its kind. Here’s a brief list of what is going to be at this interactive “art” exhibit taken directly from CMU’s website (my own emphasis added) and the Post Gazette:

  • A tour of Denny DeLuca’s homemade Steelers Den, which has been moved in its entirety from his basement into the gallery.
  • New episodes of Jim Shearer’s weekly, low-budget Web show, “Yinz Luv ‘Da Stillers,” which is produced entirely from his bedroom.
  • Visitors to the gallery will be able to contribute to the exhibition by re-enacting Franco Harris’ famous catch and becoming part of the unforgettable “Immaculate Reception” footage
  • Lem Apperson’s nylon SuperFan costume on a mannequin
  • And of course…Roethlispoodle

This is Roethlispoodle

Finally, the only real reason anyone should want to attend this exhibition is that friend of the Deuce, Pittsburgh Sports and Mini Ponies will have a slide show of their classic “Great Moments in Unlicensed Pittsburgh Sports Merchandise” series. Art, hardly, hilarious slides, definitely.

While I know I am not a great art historian or even a lover of fine art, c’mon, the majority of this is stuff isn’t really artistic. Portions of it, sure, there’s some art in there, but overall, its not an art collection. It is something that belongs in a museum, not a gallery, but hey, it will be a lot of fun for Steelers fans out there and that is what is all about I guess.

Truthfully, I think what really ticks me off more is that you know Dan Snyder is looking at this and trying to figure out some way he can take this concept and monetize it somehow. I despise that little man so much…

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