Just like the Spurs, Davidson hates your freedom. They'd make one hell of a UN inspection team though.
Friday, March 28, 2008
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Mustafa Redonkulous
9:31 AM
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Labels: Davidson, NCAA Basketball, San Antonio Spurs, Stephen Curry

Exhibition Expansion
Check us out! The US Dollar may be going in the toilet but American sports aren't going out like that. They'll take Europe one way or another. The NFL and NBA are planning to have more exhibition and regular season games in Europe in the near future.
The NFL has tossed out the possibility of having a regular season game in the UK as much as once a month during the season.
"The numbers were extraordinarily positive. We made the subsequent decision not just to return for this year but to return for the next three years," NFL international operations manager Mark Waller said.Lean back. Genius at work.
"This is me speaking at the moment but I can see no reason why one day you wouldn't be able to buy, say, a game season ticket for four games that come into the U.K., say once a month.
"There is no reason you couldn't have a game in the U.K. at a venue every month and that would enable you to have a mini-season."
... "The biggest and, I think, the only resistance that we have to deal with is we play very few games. Therefore at the moment without extending the season the only way we can play games internationally is if we don't play them in the U.S," he said.
Waller says he's speaking for himself but this has to be a thought in the league offices especially with the larger crowds and exchange rates. Teams may bitch and moan but if the Dolphins and Giants can sell, anything can and the NFL will do anything for a profit.
Not wanting to be left off the European gravy train, the NBA is increasing the number of games played in Europe. The Wizards, Hawks, Heat and Hornets will all play exhibition games this fall in London, Berlin, Barcelona and Paris. There's not much to be said for quality but maybe they figure no one will know Shaq's not on Heat and Jon Koncak isn't on the Hawks anymore before they buy their tickets.
NBA Commish David Stern admits it's about the money and fall of the dollar. Straight cash homey.
"Playing 'friendlies' is a historically known format outside the US. It puts less stress on us economically. Fans get to know us," Stern said.Fans will love getting to know the New Jersey Nets. Maybe they can send the Clippers, Grizzle and Washington Generals before the 2009 season. That'll really make the European fans beg for more.
"Now that we have arenas like the (ones in London and Berlin), we have the economic base to support regular season games. With the changes in the economic environment, particularly the dollar to the European currency, we might have the support for regular season games. But we're happy with the friendlies."
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Mustafa Redonkulous
9:05 AM
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Labels: Europe, Expansion, football, NBA, NFL, United Kingdom

Thursday, March 27, 2008
The World's Most Expensive Hunting License
A new law in Illinois forces "deadbeat dads" to pay their child support or else they cannot buy new hunting or fishing licenses. Apparently you just dont mess with a man's hunting license. One man paid $14,000 to his baby mama just so he didn't have to give up his favorite sport...thus making his hunting and fishing license the most expensive ever. The state so far has collected over $100,000 in child support payments through this program which really seems to work despite the deadbeat dads really not liking this turn of events:
[One deadbeat dad] isn’t happy about the turn of events, claiming the way the state works now, they’re in control of way too many things.
This is a pretty smart way to get those jackasses to pay what they should've been paying in the first place. If a guy is intent on not paying his child support he can get away with it pretty easy, might as well go after him where it really hurts. I wonder what else this can be extended to?
From Pantagraph.com
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Chimpanzee Rage
1:30 AM
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Labels: Child Support, Deadbeat Dads, Hunting, Jackassery

The real story behind Santa, Eagles fans, Booing and the Snowballs.
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Chimpanzee Rage
1:29 AM
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Labels: NFL, Philadelphia Eagles, Santa Claus, Snowballs

Barack, Paper, Scissors
The geniuses at USARPS have a flash game up where you can play RPS online against the likes of GW Bush, Hilary Clinton and many other political figures. Pretty funny voice-overs of the characters as well. I can waste time on this all freakin day.
Play Barack, Paper, Scissors
Dropped by
Chimpanzee Rage
1:24 AM
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Labels: Barack Obama, George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Rock Paper Scissors, USARPS

A New Way To Waste Time
A few month's back I did a post on the growing world of the Sports MMORPG, well a new game has emerged and seems to be somewhat interesting. Its called Goal Line Blitz and if you hadn't guessed from the name, its an American football simulation.
There are a couple ways you can actually play this. One way is that you can create your own player, stick him at any position, adjust his stats and add gear to him to make him better. Then, you sign with a team that gives you a contract offer (computer or user controlled) and then...well you sit back and watch your player accumulate stats.
I made a character for this simulation last week, LB Rocko Bronkowski who plays for the Spokane Angry Pirates...ARRRGH in the Canadian AAA Conference. So far, he's played in 2 games and has 15 tackles, so i'm happy about that. The sucky thing is that you have to wait 2 days for a game to be simulated...the rest of the time, you pretty much dont do anything. Makes it a bit boring i think, but i'm gonna see what happens.
The other way to play is that you buy a team, then you can run the team like any owner, setting prices for tickets and concessions, building your stadium, signing and releasing and trading players. That to me seems a bit more fun, but I haven't pony'ed up the cash to get it going. Yes, as with any good MMORPG you gotta spend some cash to have the real fun, but you can do it mostly for free..
If you want to sign up and check it out, you can use my referral link here or if you dont want to use me as a referer go ahead and use this link. It'l be interesting to see what features they add to the game as it is just in Beta form (as you can tell from the slow server speed) but I'll keep an eye on it and see if it is something us sports freaks actually want to play.
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Chimpanzee Rage
1:10 AM
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Labels: football, Goal Line Blitz, MMORPG, NFL, Sports MMOG

Looks like the sport of boxing might have met it's match in the Philippines
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's about time! La Gazzetta Dello Sport finally has an English edition. Enjoy.
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Mustafa Redonkulous
2:22 AM
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Labels: Ciao, Gazzetta Dello Sport, Italy, Mi Scusi, Soccer

Zab Judah Guarantees His Next Defeat
Zab Judah doesn't know when to let his fists do the talking for him. Now he's going to look like a part-time sucka and lose $100, 000 in the process.
The increasingly infuriating Judah has challenged Sugar Shane Mosley to put his money where Judah's mouth is and bet $100, 000 on who will win their upcoming fight on May 31.
"That's free money," the 30-year-old Judah said Monday at a news conference to publicize the fight. "If he's so confident and so much in shape, then why didn't he take it? The last time I put a $100,000 bet on the table was against Corey Spinks. What did I do? I knocked him out."Apparently Judah doesn't remember what happened to him when he fought Kostya Tszyu. He ended up taking on the ref because he was the only guy in the ring he had a chance of beating. Tszyu wrecked him in the second round of that fight. Mosley and Tszyu are no Corey Spinks.
Judah has to be one of the most frustrating fighters in recent history. He undoubtedly has the talent to be one of the best but he'd rather party and talk shit than work. That will be his undoing and he'll end up sliding into the large group of boxers filed under "Who the hell was the guy?" despite rolling with H.O.V.A.
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Mustafa Redonkulous
2:20 AM
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Labels: Boxing, Fo' Sheezy My Neezy, HBO, Kostya Tszyu, Las Vegas, Sugar Shane Mosley, Zab Judah

Excuse Me, Sir. Your Arse In A Sack
It's never a good idea to get shitfaced and start trouble when a rugby team is on the same flight. Don't believe us? Ask the assclown who found out the hard way on a Quantas flight.
South African rugby squad The Stormers were asked to get involved when a unruly, drunk passenger wouldn't simmer down on a flight from Sydney to Perth."He became extremely aggressive and abusive," team representative Frikkie Erasmus told the Cape Town Argus. "That's when one of the Stormers calmed him down with a good klap. It worked out quite well."
Why the hell do they spell klap with a k? Who knows. They probably have diplomatic immunity or something.
The passenger "remained in time-out mode" for the rest of the flight. We're guessing he was out like when KRS beat down the fat guy from PM Dawn. He was arrested upon the flight's arrival in Perth.
Dropped by
Mustafa Redonkulous
1:55 AM
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Labels: Australia, But But You're Blek, Drunks, Fight, Jack of Spades, Rugby, South Africa, Stormers, Super 14

Crockett vs. Tubbs
This isn't sports related but I've been waiting for a reason to post a PMT video and I haven't found an in. I may not have looked but that's neither here nor there.
Sonny Crockett was always seen as #1 to Rico Tubbs #2 on Miami Vice. Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas released solo musical efforts in the 80s. Johnson had "Heartbeat" while Thomas had "Living The Book of My Life". Johnson may have had a hit and more costly production but there's no denying Rico's smooth sounds. Tubbs may finally have topped Crockett.
Decide for yourself and discuss the demerits of either or both.
Don Johnson - Heartbeat
Philip Michael Thomas - Just The Way I Planned It
Dropped by
Mustafa Redonkulous
1:45 AM
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Labels: Don Johnson, Miami Vice, Music, Philip Michael Thomas, Ricardo Tubbs, Sonny Crockett

Hillary Clinton's not the only one stalling when it comes to showing paperwork. We'll give you a hint. He could be "caught raping an underage nun while clubbing baby seals" and still be elected governor of Wisconsin.
** We couldn't put that any better than Fark.
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Mustafa Redonkulous
1:33 AM
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Labels: Brett Favre, football, Green Bay Packers, I Can't Quit You, NFL

Shocking! A Discriminatory Policy in NASCAR
The fact that NASCAR is involved with a discriminatory policy probably comes as no surprise to many of you. However it wasn't enacted by NASCAR and it harms a group not used to oppression. NASCAR fans who attend races.
Tennessee passed the Non-Smoker Protection Act which bans smoking in public places such as arenas and racetracks. The result is that smoking is no longer allowed at Bristol Motor Speedway. That doesn't sit too well with racegoers.
"You can drink as much beer as you want and get in your car and drive home, but you can't come in here and smoke a cigarette," [Freddie] Lochner said Saturday, while waiting out a rain delay in the track's concourse. "Now, which would you rather have: A guy smoking a cigarette sitting next to you, or a guy who drunk all that beer driving down the road next to you?"Cars can smoke but not people?? Well let's not be too harsh. Drunk gets you laid and makes you funny to your platonic and sexual mates. Secondhand cigarette smoke just gets in your eyes and causes cancer. It also interferes with the awesome smoke coming from the #3 car and incredible amounts of smoke coming from the other cars and race equipment at track level.
This does seem rather silly at a track when there are numerous other ways to kill yourself like getting in the way of flying debris or as Freddie said, getting hit by a drunk driver. One could also get cut real good by a ripped tall boy can. There's always the option of going as any other black guy besides Brad Daugherty. NASCAR ain't no joke.
Dropped by
Mustafa Redonkulous
1:30 AM
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Labels: Brad Daugherty, Eric B and Rakim, Nascar, Ricky Bobby, Tennessee

Europeans Just Make Better Commercials
Our only salvation is the chimp. We're still number one when it comes to putting chimps in commercials. God bless America and no one else.
Imagine the bitching and moaning that would have gone on if this commercial was shown on television in the US. "Won't someone please think of the children?!"
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Mustafa Redonkulous
1:20 AM
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Labels: Chimps, Soccer, Sports Commercials, Umbro

Classic boxing entrances brought to you by Maxim UK. It's hard to beat Apollo Creed and James Brown. Any suggestions for missing entrances? Marvis Frazier's loss to Mike Tyson could be considered an entrance as he wasn't in the ring long enough for a fight to start.
Dropped by
Mustafa Redonkulous
1:04 AM
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Labels: Boxing, James Brown, Maxim, Mike Tyson, Muthafucka Killed Apollo, Rocky IV

Wooooo! Learn to love it, South Cackalacka
Ric Flair's the best thing going today as far as Columbia, SC is concerned. Mayor Bob Coble awarded Flair the key to the city for ... for ... I don't know what. Perhaps it's for his contributions to South Carolina culture along with Leeza Gibbons, Edwin McCain, Hootie and The Fridge.
Nature Boy is friends with the Ol' Ballcoach (yeah click clack) and regularly attends Gamecock games.
Unfortunately Flair didn't wear the awesome 80s sweater and hair pictured above. We're pretty sure Barry Windham is rocking the exact same gear while riding around with the rest of the Four Horsemen in a RV solving mysteries in exactly 22 minutes Monday through Friday.
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