You've got to hand it to the Aussies, they have managed to make billiards at least somewhat bearable on television. They have this game called Savage Speedball, where it's one guy shooting all the balls into the pocket as quick as possible (yellow balls first, then the red one, then the white one) and hopefully getting it done faster than his other opponent and, in some events, in a lesser distance running around the table. It is pretty much, what we would call in the states, EXTREME Billiards.
On their TV broadcasts, they even have heart rate monitors hooked up to the players, keeping track of their stress levels, because hitting balls into holes and running around a bumperless bumper-pool table gets the heart rate up pretty high for these loafs and they don't want anyone keeling over from the excitement. Now, I think they should be going simultaneously, but apparently they think this would be WAY too much action at once. Here's another Savage Speedball site with a nifty theme song that will blow you away.
Watch the scintillating action for yourself:
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Only Way To Make Billiards Somewhat Exciting on TV
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Chimpanzee Rage
12:35 AM
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Labels: Extreme Billiards, Savage Speedball, The Aussies Need More Things To Watch On Television, YouTube

Extreme Jelly Beans
You know the end of times is upon us when Jelly Belly is hopping into the sports energy world of products. Jelly Belly has created the Extreme Sports Beans, which are caffeinated jelly beans "enhanced" with Vitamins B and C, carbohydrates and electrolytes. Ye Gods.
The Jelly Belly company even has a study by UC Davis that says that their beans are just as effective as sports drinks and gels in maintaining blood sugar levels and improving exercise performance. If you don't want that caffeine, you can just shoot for the regular Sports Beans, which are caffeine free and come in more flavors while still providing all the other bean enhancements. So, instead of cracking open that Gatorade, just chew up a package and a half of those tasty little jelly beans and kick some ass!
This isn't the end of these suped-up candies either. A Seattle PI reporter has found that there are now a ton of these products out on the market:
Last month, Mars Inc. introduced Snickers Charged, a version of the candy bar with a cup-of-coffee's worth of caffeine, plus B vitamins and amino acids, ingredients typically found in energy drinks. Jelly Belly Candy Co. has come out with Extreme Sport Beans, which are caffeinated and contain electrolytes, compounds beneficial for hydration, while Hershey Co. has launched caffeine-enhanced Ice Breakers Energy mints. Along with Jolt mints and gum, Buzz Bites, Foosh Mints, Crackheads chocolate-covered espresso beans and several others, these products make up a burgeoning "energy candy" category.
As if kids today aren't hyper-active enough, they now have these candies readily available to them to ramp up the ADHD to new, as of yet, unexplored levels. There is no way that any of these things are all that tasty, at least not as tasty as their less EXTREME original counterparts. Like I said before, the end of times are nothing sacred?
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Chimpanzee Rage
12:13 AM
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Labels: End of Times Are Nigh, Extreme Candy, Gatorade, Is Nothing Sacred?, Jelly Beans, Jelly Belly

Random Video of Horrific Violence: OH MY GOD NO
So this is a pretty disturbing edition of random video of horrific violence. Not that most aren't disturbing, but this one is just bad, not purely for the visual, but for the utterly horrifying guttural howls and moans this injured B.A.S.E. jumper belts out when his chute fails and he crashes to the ground. The sound is pretty NSFW unless you turn the volume down, not because of swear words or anything, there are no words, its just some of the worst sounds a human being can ever make.
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Chimpanzee Rage
12:04 AM
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Labels: BASE Jumping, Parachute FAIL, Random Video of Horrific Violence, YouTube

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Fox Let TO Get Called The N Word
This video is a month old, but we've never seen it, apparently on a Fox News show called "The Overtime" the producers of the show let a caller get away with calling Terrell Owens a "nigger" on live tv...even though they could have used a delay to bleep it out. Gotta love to hate Fox news huh? I'm not even sure what the caller is actually saying other than the N word flying in there. TO is a lot of things, but no one should ever dare call him that...well maybe unless you're his boy, then its probably ok. This video here is a bit dramatic, but you still get to hear what happened, let the comments fly in...
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Chimpanzee Rage
1:44 AM
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Labels: Dallas Cowboys, Fox News, N Word, NFL, Terrell Owens, The Overtime, YouTube

Who Deposed Who In The What Now?
This Reggie Bush business keeps getting darker and stranger by the day and we're not talking about him being a bust compared to Mario Williams or dating a tranny.
New Era Sports co-founder Lloyd Lake was scheduled to be deposed yesterday in regards to his lawsuit against Reggie Bush alleging non-payment for money and gifts given to Bush starting in high school and continuing through his entire college tenure. If the allegations are proved to be true, Bush could lose his Heisman and USC could lose the wins and national title earned while Bush was on the team.
Bush denies the allegations and claims that Lake shouldn't be believed because he's a convicted felon. If that's the case, why would someone show up unannounced to Lake's deposition with a gun?
Charles Robinson and Jason Cole of Yahoo Sports report that Lake's deposition didn't take place due to the presence of an armed man who came with Bush's attorneys, David Cornwell and Kevin Leichter. The attorneys "refused to reveal why the man was present".
"All Cornwell said was that this guy was working for the law firm of David Cornwell and that he has a CCW (carrying concealed weapon) permit," Watkins [Lake's attorney] said. "The guy sat with his arms folded the whole time, staring at Lloyd. Then he opened up his jacket and you could see that he had a gun on him. I asked (Bush's attorneys) to identify him, and they refused to even tell me his name. Then after going back and forth about it, they told me his name, but wouldn't tell me who he was working for or why he was there. I wanted a business card or something that explained who this guy was."
Watkins said the man followed Lake in "an intimidating manner" almost immediately after Lake arrived for the deposition ... After following Lake, the man sat down in the area where the deposition was to take place. Watkins said the man didn't identify himself, and instead stared at Lake before eventually opening his jacket to reveal a handgun. At that point, Watkins said he asked that the man leave.
Watkins said he halted the proceedings when the armed man moved "only eight to 10 feet away" from where the deposition was set to take place
Robinson and Cole also report that Cornwell, who is also employed as an ESPN analyst, told ESPN said he was advised to take precautions in Lake's presence.

We're just going to assume that Reggie's innocent so he decided to "persuade" Lake that this is a frivolous lawsuit by proxy. He'd be better off trying to steal the tapes of conversations between Lake and Bush's father. The tapes played on Real Sports have Bush's father promising that Reggie will pay Lake back on several occasions. Anyway, Bush has top notch representation and they wouldn't allow him to put himself in a compromising situation as seen below in an excerpt from an ESPN chat on Ookie's fate.
David Cornwell: That is a great point, Adam. Hopefully other young men, whether they play sports or not, will learn from Michael's experience that bad choices inevitably lead to bad consequences. Michael had incredible opportunities because of his athletic ability and rather than embrace the opportunity he embraced risky behavior that not only cost him the opportunities but also cost him his freedom.
Charlie Casserly's looking smarter by the day.
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Mustafa Redonkulous
12:40 AM
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Labels: Cheats, College Football, New Jack City, New Orleans Saints, Pookie, Reggie Bush, Trannies Need Love Just Like You Do

Shaka Zulu, Muthaf--ka!!
You cookin' with Coolio?
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Mustafa Redonkulous
12:35 AM
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Labels: Cooking, Coolio, Coup De Grâce, Seriously What The Fuck, Video

Do You Have Any Idea How F--cking Busy I Am
North Korea is a country on the move and in a hurry to get wherever the hell it's going. It's probably somewhere near inefficiency and famine.
Apparently the North Koreans don't have time to come up with an anthem or sew a flag. A minor diplomatic tiff has broken out over a World Cup qualifier between North and South Korea. The North wants to use a joint anthem and flag while the South prefers that each country use their own flag and anthem. You know a country's broke when they have to borrow an anthem and flag.
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Mustafa Redonkulous
12:30 AM
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Labels: Idiotarod, Kim Jong-Il, Matt Damon, North Korea, Soccer, South Korea, There you go Hans Brix How you rike that you butt-fucking cocksucker

Empire Building With Jim Fassel
Did you know that if you're an empire, you create your own reality when you act? That's a little nugget from the Bush administration courtesy of The One Percent Doctrine. Jim Fassel's taken that to heart and decided to do the reverse and create an empire by creating his own reality on talk radio.
Fassel spoke to Mike and the Mad Dog on WFAN and explained why he's been unable to get a head coaching job.
"My biggest mistake was going to Baltimore," Fassel said. "That was the biggest mistake. I don’t think I needed to do that and when I went there and it was such a mess and got caught up in all that stuff..."Now keep in mind the Ravens ended the season 13-3 and were 4-2 at the point he was fired by his BFF in 2006. Yes, the Ravens got much better when he left.
"I can’t tell you how many people have told me if you’d have just stayed out and done TV and radio and that stuff, it would have changed the whole perception of you," Fassel said.That's it. The perception of Fassel had nothing to do with his relentless pursuit of a head coaching job during the season when he should have been focused on his job. It also had nothing to do with his lazy reputation among players and the front office.
Fassel's so good that Dan Snyder let him put together a coaching staff ... and then hired a guy who along with everyone else couldn't believe he got the job.
Fassel was supposed to be a slam dunk for the job once Giants defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo returned to New York last week. After all, he helped put together the team's staff -- including the choice of Zorn as offensive coordinator -- and, according to Fassel, he had started to talk about a contract.If Fassel "knew Dan", he should have known what he needed to do to get the job. Why do you think Vinny Cerrato gets stronger while the rest fall off like Paperboy?
"I wasn't looking for just anything," Fassel, head coach of the Giants from 1997-2003, said Saturday night. "I was looking for the right fit, and I thought this was the right fit because I knew Dan (owner Dan Snyder). It's a long, twisted story."
Looks like Paul Bremer finally has a soulmate. Crown his ass!
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Mustafa Redonkulous
12:20 AM
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Labels: Baltimore Ravens, Clusterfuck, Jim Fassel, Jim Zorn, Offensive Genius, Part-time sucka, Ron Suskind, Washington Redskins

Full Court Shots Rock
I love a good full court basketball shot, this one is so impressive, it almost looks fake. Hella lucky basket.
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Chimpanzee Rage
12:15 AM
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Labels: Basketball, Full Court Shot, High School Basketball, High School Sports

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Rick Riley Turns 50...Cannot Sing
Fresh off the heels of his new multi-million dollar contract with ESPN, Rick Riley just threw himself a 50th birthday bash complete with karaoke, unfortunately for Riley, he cannot sing karaoke.
...Reilly may have topped [Elway's steakhouse co-owner Tim] Schmidt in the ear-splitting category with his rendition of Me and Bobby McGee. "This is a little something I wrote with Kris Kristofferson," he joked."He sounds like he's losing his voice," one woman said. "That would be a good thing," her friend offered.
The party was held at Lannie's Clocktower Cabaret in Denver and its good to know that Riley and his friends, like Elway pictured above, are spending all that hard earned cash with style. Doesn't Riley look like he's enjoying himself there? He'd better just remember, easy come, easy go...just ask Spree. In any case, happy birthday Rick Riley, you signed a deal with the devil, might as well enjoy the party while it's hot.
Photo by Bradley Joseph via Rocky Mountain News
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Chimpanzee Rage
12:14 PM
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Labels: Denver Broncos, ESPN, John Elway, Rick Riley

Sheeeeeit! Welcome To Bawlmer
"Meanwhile, Jones continues to seek out more information on the city he will call home during the baseball season. When word came out that the six-player deal was finally completed, Jones fielded a call from one of his brothers, who suggested that he start watching
Quote from Meet Mr. Jones: The Heart of the Deal by Jeff Zribiec, Baltimore Sun 2/11/08.
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Mustafa Redonkulous
12:00 AM
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Labels: Adam Jones, Baltimore Orioles, Baltimore Sun, Charm City, Clay Davis, Omar, The City That Bleeds, The Wire

Monday, February 11, 2008
Boris Becker Has A Skyscraper?
Thats right, Boris Becker has a skyscraper, well he at least has one named after him. Down in Dubai there is a real estate development called the Sports Legends Trilogy which will have 3 towers all with athletes names lent to them. Michael Shumacher already has one building named after him, a 29 story tower called "Michael Shumacher Business Avenue", but Becker's new building named "Boris Becker Business Tower" is opening later this month as the final phase of the project.
Ok, so how bad ass is that? As much as we talk about Tiger and Lebron and MJ having it all, none of those cats have people who want to put their names on skyscrapers. I don't know if we'll ever see the day we have a Lebron Heights, Jordan Towers or Marbury Row. You know you have clout if you can be rollin' with the Trumps or the Carnegie's...granted they built those buildings themselves, but still, pretty darn neat.
Bloggers Now Can Lose Weight While Working
Now us bloggers have no excuse to have extra pounds. Some intrepid dude has come up with the Tread Desk. Thats right, its a desk that can lift up so you can work while you are walking or running right in front of it. Genius right? The bane of your existence? True as well. Going to burn a hole in your pocket if you wish to purchase it? You betcha! It can run up to 4000 bucks to get yourself a complete set up if you want to do it up all fancy, but it looks like you can be good to go with a $2000 outlay. In reality, the money you spend on this probably would be made up in the fact that you're actually active and burning some calories making you much healthier.
Sure there are plenty of us sports bloggers that could probably stand to lose some pounds. I'd love to drop a solid dime in weight. I can also think of a few head coaches that could use this during the week while they're preparing their game plans.Yea, definitely Friedgen
Oh yea, Mangino too
Do not forget Weis in you get the point.
From Tread Desk
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Chimpanzee Rage
4:34 AM
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Labels: Exercise, fat, Mangino, Ralph Friedgen, The Fat Boys, Tread Desk, Weis
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