Ok, so you're probably looking above and saying, "Huh?". I know I would, but bear with me. Most likely due to the success of UFC and Pride fighting (and the sad state of boxing as we know it) there are now 2 different fighting "leagues" that are competing against each other. When I say league, I mean that there are teams of fighters, representing cities, states or regions, fighting for not just individual glory but team glory as well. Kinda like your high school wrestling team that wanted to beat all the other high schools for states.
These leagues are the World Combat League and the International Fight League. If you like hard hitting team sports but all thats on tv is baseball, these look like the place to go for all the hellacious ass-kicking one man needs to enjoy his Monday night.
But what is the discerning team sport and individual combat lover to do when they have to choose between the leagues? The Deuce is here to help with a breakdown of both leagues. We will figure out which one has the most to offer a fan who needs yet another team to root for in this crowded sports landscape.
Who Started This Extreme Awesomeness?
WCL - Chuck Norris started it in 2005. 'Nuff said.
IFL - Kurt Otto and Gareb Shamus...who? Otto is an architect and real estate developer and Shamus is founder and Chairman of Wizard Entertainment Group...a comic book related company.
ADVANTAGE: WCL - Come on, freakin Chuck Norris man! You cant not choose Chuck, Chuck Norris has two speeds: "kill" and "fuck your girlfriend".
Where Can I Show Up & Watch This With My Face Painted?
WCL - WCL currently has 8 teams, broken into two, 4 team conferences. The East (NY, Philly, Miami, & "New England") and the West (Oklahoma, Texas, Houston, and Los Angeles). Texas is so into its former ranger it needs two teams.
IFL - IFL currently has 12 teams (LA, Tokyo, New York, Portland, "Quad Cities", Seattle, Southern California [apparently different than LA], Reno, Toronto, Tuscon, San Jose, & Chicago) with no conference or divisional system in place.
ADVANTAGE: IFL - You gotta love a league with International in its title that actually is international. While its east coast presence leaves something to be desired with just two teams on the right side of the Mississippi (one being in Canada), you certainly have more to choose from.
Who Has The Most Ass-Kicking Team Names?
WCL - Went relatively safe with the team names, the most vicious and ass kicking of which is the Oklahoma DESTROYERS. Literally every other team name I seem to remember from Arena Soccer or Major Indoor Lacrosse...
IFL - Actual use of animals in team names! What a concept! More new teams/leagues should kick it old school this way. My favorite, you know it has to be the SILVERBACKS. Its a monkey you idiot.
ADVANTAGE: IFL - This league features team names you can actually have a mascot for instead of a mere concept like "Force". How do you have a mascot for a team named "Force"??
Which Has The Fighters That Can KILL In The Ring?
WCL - Every fighter has a nickname from Lawson “Meet Your Maker” Baker to Rami "Arabian Nightmare" Ibrahim, but not many people in this league you might recognize from first glance. Its all about the teams and NO ONE is bigger than the team...except CHUCK NORRIS, the most famous fighter in the league that doesn't ever fight.
IFL - Stars are abound in this league, but not in the form of the fighters, its from their famous coaches/instructors including: Pat Miletich, Renzo Gracie, Marco Ruas, and of course Ken & Frank Shamrock.
ADVANTAGE: IFL - In two leagues that are lacking in "name" fighters, the IFL brings the PAIN with the star coaches that in a pinch can kill ANYONE.
Which League Has Some Hotties For My Over Testosteroned Soul?
WCL - The women are not in the ring holding signs, they're fighting! You too can witness a cat-fight of epic proportions versus Jeri “Fists of Fury” Sitzes and Virginia "Jinny" Baker.
IFL - The women ARE in the ring holding signs...and they're pretty hot.
ADVANTAGE: PUSH - Some like to watch women fight each other and jiggle...others like to watch women pose and smile while holding signs and jiggle. Tough call really.

What Channels Can I Watch Someone Bleed On TV?
WCL - Has a deal with Versus...formerly the Outdoor Life Network. This and the NHL are the biggies for this network
IFL - Has a deal with Fox Sports Network and My Network TV.
ADVANTAGE: IFL - You can watch this from your trailer with just a simple antenna if you wish.
Which Can Someone Actually Die In?
WCL - No Throws, No Takedowns, No Ground Fighting, No Clinching, No Holding, No Stalling, No Passivity. Its all strikes (Kicking, Punching and Kneeing) and no wrestling.
IFL - No elbows to the head, No kicking the head of downed opponent, No head butts, No groin strikes, No eye-gouging, No strikes to spine, No strikes to back of the head. Other than that, its anything goes, strikes or wrestling.
ADVANTAGE: IFL - Seems to follow the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) formula that fans of fighting seem to love with UFC and Pride fighting. WCL just seems to be a glorified kickboxing league.
Its not even close, the IFL is apparently the place to be to watch people get their bodies (unfortunately not skulls) kicked in despite the WCL having Chuck Norris. Badass team names, famous ultimate fighters from the past, and you can watch it all without pay-per view or even a cable connection. I am going to root for my Sliverbacks to dominate this year in the IFC...maybe even buy a t-shirt.